Apr 03 - 04, 2025
Best Western Gateway Grand
The North Central Florida Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves Gainesville and Ocala, Florida. The Chapter has over 60 members.
NCFIIA 2023-2024 Annual Report
NCFIIA 2022-2023 Annual Report
NCFIIA 2021-2022 Annual Report
ATTENTION STUDENTS!! As of August 1, 2022 IIA Student Membership is free of charge for eligible students. Part-time students must be actively enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits. We encourage students to join the IIA North Central Florida Chapter. To apply for a free student membership, please review the Student Program Membership Guide and register for an IIA account and then complete the online membership application. Current student members may renew their membership here: https://myiia.theiia.org/Student/Index
The North Central Florida Chapter was founded on December 5, 2002. As of June 1, 2023, the chapter has 68 members. The chapter is led by nine Board members who are elected annually. The chapter strives to be an advocate for the profession through its meetings and outreach events.
Chapter activities include:
North Central Florida IIA Chapter members may request to join the North Central Florida LinkedIn platform. Upon joining, members can receive up-to-date posts and articles from the chapter which includes information on CPE and Non-CPE training opportunities as well as registration instructions, job openings and qualifications for application, chapter news, and IIA Corporate news. In addition, the platform provides an opportunity for members to network with fellow members.
North Central Florida IIA Chapter members may access scholarship information, application resources and forms, and requirements and deadlines. In addition, chapter members can access awards information.
Hello Chapter Members and Visitors,
I enjoy chapter participation because my fellow members are the smartest group of people I know. So WOW, how did I get to be President! Just know I’m happy for the opportunity, and I’m honored.
New this year, the IIA makes it easier to be among these smart people. Students join IIA now for FREE. Details are available on our chapter site under Chapter News & Events.
And we’re encouraging greater participation from members by inviting them to sit in on Board of Governors meetings held monthly. Hopefully, you’ll like what you see and hear and want to get involved.
As an internal auditor, I sometimes feel like David taking on Goliath with my back against the wall. The chance to be around other internal auditors through chapter participation helps me feel supported. It strengthens my spirit.
Thank you,
Mark Crain, NCFIIA Chapter President
The IIA’s Chapter Achievement Program (CAP) tracks a chapter’s activities to ensure that each chapter provides services to its members strategically according to the IIA's vision. The IIA awards Bronze, Silver, or Gold status to deserving chapters annually based on the activities completed per CAP. The North Central Florida Chapter has received the Gold status every year since its inception! Because we have been awarded Gold for 10 years consecutively, we are considered a Platinum Chapter!
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberApr 03 - 04, 2025
Best Western Gateway Grand
Apr 03, 2025
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Apr 04, 2025
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
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