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ACFE Global Fraud Conference Offers & Resources

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Exclusive Discounts & Resources

Take advantage of exclusive discounts, anti-fraud resources, CPE offerings, and more. ACFE conference attendees and members save 10% on all individual membership products using promo code ACFE2024.

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The IIA and ACFE have joined forces to help you navigate emerging technologies and threats that impact both anti-fraud professionals and auditors.

ACFE/The IIA: Building a Best-in-Class Whistleblower Hotline Program

The ACFE and The IIA collaborated on a study to identify key elements of a best-in-class whistleblower hotline program, especially regarding fraud detection. The report includes practical, data-driven guidance on how internal audit leaders, anti-fraud professionals, and others can most effectively manage and support hotline programs within their organizations. The companion infographic provides insights into the key findings of the study.


New Edition Released! Internal Audit And Fraud Guidance

The third edition of “Internal Audit and Fraud,” updated to align with The IIA’s Global Internal Audit StandardsTM, is to increase the internal auditor’s awareness of fraud risk, including the role the internal audit function can play, and provide guidance on how to perform a fraud risk assessment at an organizational level.

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Fraud Resources

The IIA provides the resources to manage an ever-evolving fraud risk landscape for anti-fraud and internal audit professionals.

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When you join The IIA, you find what you need, where you belong, and how to get where you’re going.

Membership in The IIA unlocks access to the global organization 210,000 members strong in 170 countries advocating for you and the profession. Check out the benefits to see how membership can unlock the potential within, elevate impact, and pay for itself!

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