Format: On-demand
This course will provide an overview of the software Tableau and how it can be utilized to create effective reporting. The training will allow Excel users to transition seamlessly into the Tableau software via a walkthrough of the Tableau interface and features. This will include how to import data from Excel into Tableau, how to create formulas, implement filtering, and create simple yet effective visual reports.
- How Excel users can use Tableau for reporting
- How to import Excel data into Tableau for analysis and reporting
- The interface and functionality provided by Tableau
- How to create reports with an effective, interactive and visual approach
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
- Conceptualize reporting needs and address them in Tableau.
- Import data into Tableau inclusive of simple data modeling.
- Describe the Tableau interface.
- Differentiate between dimensions and measures and how they impact reporting.
- Utilize simple data manipulation tools.
- Create effective and interactive visual reports.