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The IIA Releases First of New Topical Requirements, Focused on Cybersecurity
To help organizations assess the design and implementation of cybersecurity governance, risk management, and control processes, The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA) has released the first in a series of Topical Requirements to be published this year. The Cybersecurity Topical Requirement provides a baseline approach to an issue widely identified as a top risk.
- Audit Committees Identify Cybersecurity as Top Risk, Deloitte/CAQ Survey Finds
- Crowe Outlines Six Dynamic Risks Expected to Affect Internal Audits in 2025
- PCAOB Withdraws Two Disclosure Rules on Audit Firm Reporting and Engagement Metrics
- New Knowledge Checks From PCAOB Help Audit Firms Assess Quality Control
- Staff Report From PCAOB Shares Good Practices on Using the Work of Specialists
- Five Topics Are Shaping the Risk Agenda in a Fast-Moving Environment, PwC Says
- Cybersecurity Should Be Handled as a Danger Rather Than Through Risk Management