Apr 22, 2025
DeSales University Center
The Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves Southeastern Pennsylvania professionals in more than 50 organizations in various disciplines such as healthcare, manufacturing, financial and insurance services, utilities and educational services and 5 government agencies. The Chapter has over 130 members.
March 2025 Newsletter
December 2024 Newsletter
October 2024 Newsletter
Founded on February 1, 1978, the Lehigh Valley Chapter has over 130 members. As part of the global IIA membership of more than 170,000, the National chapter provides tailored training, education and networking opportunities to Internal Audit professionals worldwide.
The Lehigh Valley IIA chapter offers local training, education and networking via our meetings and events. Join us for a breakfast or dinner meeting or better yet join us for good. You will definitely benefit from membership.
CPE Program Sponsor License #AA0001948072
IIA Scholarship Program Opportunity!
Elevate Merit-Based Scholarship Program:
The Institute of Internal Auditors and AuditBoard are once again offering qualified internal auditors wishing to become certified the opportunity to apply for a scholarship covering all related training and testing expenses to obtain Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) certification through the Elevate Internal Audit Scholarship Program.
In 2020, the IIA launched the Elevate program to provide scholarships to auditors financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the economic recovery underway, the program has expanded to support continuing education by also providing merit-based assistance.
To learn more & apply, visit: https://na.theiia.org/about-us/Pages/Elevate-Internal-Audit-Scholarship-Program-Merit-based.aspx Elevate Internal Audit Scholarship Program (Needs Based): The IIA and AuditBoard announced their combined support of the internal audit community in this time of need through the “Elevate Internal Audit Scholarship Program.” This is a $500,000 scholarship program that provides select career development packages to laid-off or furloughed internal auditors impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to help them secure their next job.
Dear Members
As the Vice President, I want to acknowledge the dedication of our board, officers, and committee members in planning the 2024/2025 chapter program. They are focused on delivering a valuable experience for everyone.
This fall, we have some exciting events lined up. Our annual fall seminar is being presented for the first time as a hybrid event on October 29th at DeSales University with renown speaker Dr. Toby Groves presents “Untapped: Teaching Auditors to be Better Thinkers.” This all-day event will offer 8 NASBA approved CPEs in Auditing and Behavioral Ethics. Additionally, reserve your spot for an Improv teambuilding workshop with Cindy Marsh on November 14th—spaces are limited!
We’re off to a promising start and welcome your feedback. Please share your ideas with any officer, board, or committee member.
Thank you for being a member!
Nanton John
Vice President
Fall All-Day Hybrid Seminar – “Teaching Auditors to be Better Thinkers” with Dr. Toby Groves (8 CPE) – 10/29/24
Register Here
Improv Workshop (2 CPE) in-person – 11/14/24
Register Now
Practical Ethics (2 CPE) – 12/2/24 (IIA North Jersey Chapter partnership)
Student night February, 2025
Iron Pigs Social Event May, 2025
If you are looking launch your internal audit career or are seeking qualified employees, you've come to the right place. The IIA's Audit Career Center is a proven source for résumé posting and focused candidate searches. The Career Center receives 10,000 unique visitors monthly.
To contact The IIA's Audit Career Center, please call +1-888-575-9675 or email ClientServ@YourMembership.com.
Job Seekers Are you seeking a job in internal auditing? IIA members may post their résumés and search for job opportunities in the Audit Career Center.
Employers and Agencies Are you an employer or agency looking to fill open positions in your audit department? Post job openings and search résumés matching your criteria in the Audit Career Center. If you have any questions, please email ClientServ@YourMembership.com.
IIA Career Opportunities Check out the latest job openings at The IIA and find out why the Institute is selected year after year as one of the top 100 companies for working families in Central Florida.
IIA Fellowship Program Learn more about The IIA's Fellowship Program: Developing Tomorrow's Thought Leaders Today.
To apply for IIA certification programs, register for exams, or review your certification status, please utilize the IIA’s Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS).
For additional information on certifications available, please visit: https://www.theiia.org/en/certifications/
Sample CIA exam questions are available for FREE at: https://www.theiia.org/en/certifications/cia/exam-prep-resources/exam-review-courses/exam-preparation-and-practice-resources/sample-exam-questions/
*Additional practice questions can be purchased.
A glossary of internal audit terminology was compiled by the IIA and is available to members for FREE at https://www.theiia.org/globalassets/documents/certifications/the-iia-official-glossary/official-iia-glossary-english.pdf
CPE Requirements for certified individuals are changing as of September 1, 2023. See changes at: https://www.theiia.org/en/certifications/cpe-policy-changes-for-2023/
CPE reporting opens annually on October 1st. To begin report, utilize the CCMS.
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberEarning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
Become Certified