May 08, 2025
Williamsville,New York
Samuels Grande Manor
The Western New York Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves all of Western NY including the greater Buffalo region. The Chapter has over 300 members.
The Western New York Chapter of the IIA provides regular updates via email to its members. Be sure to keep an eye out for communications from WNY IIA!
The WNY IIA Chapter is currently comprised of 340 members, 40 of which are students. We are active in our community and have a strong partnership with UBAA where we assist in student scholarship and advancement opportunities.
“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
During the IIA’s first virtual leadership academy in 2020, incoming chapter presidents were asked to take a photo with a sign sharing an inspirational quote. In a time of great uncertainty my search led me to a famous line written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald, who spent his childhood right here in Buffalo, New York, ends his classic the Great Gatsby with quite the ambiguous statement. As I look back at the 2020-2021 chapter year I realize just how relevant this quote was to our experience. The level of uncertainty was high, the plans laid out were scrapped, and our chapter was brought back to square one. It was the responsibility of the Board to bring us back together we were either going to succeed in developing new ways to reach the membership or the current would drag us under. The latter was not an option.
Our chapter had a very successful year of virtual events. Perhaps most noteworthy, this year the annual IT Audit Seminar over 300 people across multiple industries with speakers joined us from as far as London England to share their experiences and strengthen our chapter. Our Fraud and Ethics event drew in over 100 attendees to listen to the speaking talents of Kelly Paxton strengthening both our collective talents and our bond with WNYCFE. Other successes included piloting a new CPE program to quickly deliver certificates, obtaining a Zoom license to host our chapter, and developing new programs to virtually mentor the students of the University at Buffalo Accounting Association (UBAA). Additionally, the Board of Governors of WNY IIA worked diligently to ensure events would be held free of charge for the chapter year - something that helped many of our members gain CPE without financial compromise.
Thank you to our members that have stuck by our side over the past year. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked to build what we have today and look forward to continuing to serve you. Our events planning committee is currently planning for the next chapter year and they have a ton of great ideas for bringing us together again as a chapter. I hope they’re budgeting at least one round at a happy hour for us (hint, hint Ashley Hubbard)!
Finally, I thank our committed members of the WNY IIA Board of Governors. In addition to navigating the new work environment, taking on personal commitments, and dealing with the stressors of a global pandemic they maintained their commitment to the IIA and our chapter members. I thank them for attending a multitude of virtual meetings, responding to hundreds of emails, texts, phone calls, and a few fire drills here and there. I’m extremely grateful for your time and look forward to working with you again for the 2021-2022 chapter year!
Patrick Byrne
Chapter President 2020 - 2022
The WNY Chapter of the IIA works hard to meet chapter achievement goals which are designed to service our various members, increase engagement, and help enhance the profession.
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberEarning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
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