Apr 08, 2025
Virtual Event
The Boise Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves -The Treasure Valley and Southern Idaho. The Chapter has 129 members.
Welcome members, potential members and visitors to the Boise Chapter of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Our chapter members come from a variety of public and private sectors and provide a wide range of knowledge and experience to our group. The Chapter holds regular luncheon meetings and seminars that allow members to network with peers, develop professional relationships and contacts, and stay on top of current issues and practices.
Welcome to the 2024 – 2025 Chapter year!
The Boise Chapter of the IIA is happy you are here! This is an exciting time to be in internal audit. Our board of volunteers are committed to ensure a successful chapter year. We commit to providing quality education, whether supporting your certifications journey or further developing your skills. Additionally, we provide networking opportunities to connect with fellow auditors in the Treasure Valley and beyond. I appreciate the board's service to the chapter and am grateful to serve as your chapter president.
As internal auditors, we have the unique opportunity to work across our organizations to identify risks which could block strategies and objectives. We can provide value by bringing a systematic and independent approach to improve the effectiveness of a company's control governance processes in addressing these risks. Whether we work for public, private or governmental organizations, we partner with our companies for the greater good of the business.
This year, the IIA standards, which guide our conduct, have been updated. The standards were last updated in 2017. The speed of change and new emerging risks, such as technology advances, coupled with the diversity of global chapter membership, has created the need for modification. The new standards, which can be read here, are expected to be adopted and implemented by January 9, 2025. The updates aim to simplify and create flexibility while maintaining our highest commitment to professionalism. Part of our chapter programming this year will focus on implementation of the new standards.
The 2024 Chapter Year saw us holding hybrid meetings for the first time in our history. While this format posed challenges in the beginning, we settled into a groove as the year continued and noticed benefits of the hybrid format:
The positive feedback for hybrid sessions was overwhelming, specifically the high caliber of speaker enabled by collaboration with other chapters.
High quality and varied programs, at lower cost, have allowed us to award several scholarships for Certified Internal Auditor study materials. In the past few years, we have awarded more than five scholarships to students or professionals interested in expanding their career who otherwise might not have been able to obtain these materials. The board will continue to look for opportunities to re-commit to the profession in our community.
Lastly, our chapter is committed to build more and stronger relationships with colleges and universities in and around the area. The opportunity to introduce the profession to students of various degrees and interests could not only open doors for the students, but also provide our companies with the next generation of internal auditors. The IIA supports these win-win efforts by offering free student memberships. If you know a college student who is exploring their options, bring them to a lunch meeting and give them a chance to meet us and learn about our profession.
If you are interested in connecting with your internal audit community in a more meaningful way, we will find room for you. You will choose the time and methods that work with your schedule. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get to know others in the profession and expand your network.
Thank you for allowing me to serve.
Michele Creek-Tatom, CIA, CFE
President, Boise IIA
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberEarning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
Become Certified