Welcome to the IIA Coastal Georgia Chapter!
Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves Southeastern Georgia
Chapter Officers
Mr. Allen Cantrell (CIA)
Chapter President, Chapter Program Chair
Dr. John OConnor
Chapter President Elect, Chapter Certification Chair
Erika R McRath (CIA)
Chapter Secretary
Julia Rodgers
Chapter Membership Chair
Mrs. Tiffany Lovezzola
Chapter Academic Relations Chair
Welcome to the IIA Coastal Georgia Chapter
We are a small but enthusiastic group whose meetings are held in historic Savannah, Georgia. Our membership includes auditors from southeastern Georgia and southern South Carolina. Members work for federal and local governments as well as in healthcare, transportation, education, finance and construction.
Building Awareness Champions
We are pleased to be a 2023 Building Awareness Champion!
During Internal Audit Awareness Month in May, we shared our passion for internal auditing, promoting the profession through a variety of events and campaigns designed to inform and engage, raise awareness, and help stakeholders understand the value of internal audit in their organizations.
IIA Coastal Georgia President’s Message
July 12, 2022Hello All!
We are starting a new year and I hope that all of you are in for the ride. Many things will stay the same, but we are looking to make some minor changes that you will hopefully enjoy.
I am very proud of our Chapter Officers and Board members who have selflessly served during the 2021-2022 chapter year, without them we would not be able to provide the quality service that you deserve. You too can provide a service if you choose. We are always looking for new volunteers to help with running a successful Chapter. If you are new to the area, or currently not a member, and would like to more information about joining our chapter or getting involved by volunteering with one of our committees, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.
We have an Officer/Board meeting this month where we will solidify the plans for our upcoming programs. First on the list is planning a three hour hybrid event in September, so stay tuned for more details. We will continue to strive to give you valuable CPEs throughout the coming year as well as enhancing and educating others about our profession.
Looking forward to seeing you all this year!!
Tara Burnsed
Interested in becoming a member?
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberInterested in becoming certified?
Earning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
Become Certified