Mar 28, 2025
Welcome to the Institute of Internal Auditors Montreal Chapter!
The Institute of Internal Auditors of Montreal promotes the profession by meeting the needs of internal audit professionals for the greater Montreal region and its surroundings. It has more than 800 members.
An enhanced training offer that better meets our community’s needs
The IIA Montreal (IAIM) chose to change its training offer by adopting an On-demand model. This bold formula has been acknowledged by our community, leading to a clear success that better fulfills our community’s training needs.
This training offer was enlarged to include new training categories while keeping the regular ones. In addition to this, our 5 roundtables give our participants the opportunity to discuss and share on the best practices on a regular basis.
The IAIM wants to be your partner of choice in your professional growth. We encourage you to improve your set of knowledge and share your enlightening experiences with our large community of internal auditors practitioners.
Nouveau programme de formation 2024-2025
L'IAIM a le plaisir de vous faire part du lancement de sa nouvelle programmation. Comme vous le savez, notre offre est dynamique et les cours sont programmés à votre demande, à partir de 7 inscriptions.
Nous vous invitons d'ores et déjà à confirmer vos intérêts en vous inscrivant dès à présent!
Workplace: A Platform for Members Only!
Working in partnership with the Institut français de l’audit et du contrôle interne (IFACI), The Institute of Internal Auditors – Montréal Chapter (IIAM) provides you with access to Workplace, a platform reserved exclusively for members. In addition to their affiliation with francophone members throughout Canada and Europe, IIAM members can participate in real time in various discussion groups on subjects related to the profession touching on cutting-edge fields like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence or benchmarking. Some of the advantages of Workplace:
- Consult with experts on current topics affecting the profession,
- Build and expand your professional network,
- Participate in IIAM discussion groups:
- Fraud prevention
- Risk management
- Information technology audits
- Public and parapublic sector
- Data analysis and continuous audit
- Access an online knowledge library where you can download dematerialized documents from the IFACI
If you have any questions, please contact
Everyone is welcome!
2021 Building Awareness Champion Award décerné à l'IAIM
C'est avec une grande fierté que l'IAI Montréal («IAIM») s'est vu décerner le Prix « 2021 Building Awareness Champion Award », par The IIA, en reconnaissance de sa contribution particulièrement remarquée à la promotion de la profession d'auditeur interne, notamment durant le mois international de sensibilisation à l'audit interne. En mai dernier, un comité composé de bénévoles a en effet travaillé à la diffusion élargie de capsules vidéo sur des sujets actuels, tels que :
- Quelles compétences pour l'auditeur interne de demain?, avec Caroline Vermette, Première vice-présidente, Audit interne de à la Banque Nationale
- Les facteurs ESG, avec François Petillot, conseiller principal, gestion de risques à l'Université de Montréal
- L’Analyse de données pour une meilleure efficience et efficacité, avec Jean-François Willis, Directeur principal, Audit interne - Technologies numériques à la Caisse de dépôt
- Quels sont les risques à surveiller en 2021 ?, avec Mireille Harnois, consultante
Nous remercions nos membres et bénévoles qui contribuent tout au long de l'année à faire rayonner l'IAIM et notre belle profession!
As we begin 2025, I want to extend my wishes for your success, both personally and professionally, as you navigate the many challenges that lie ahead. We know from experience that they will be numerous and exciting!
It has been a privilege to serve as the President of the IIA Montreal Chapter over the past few months. Many passionate and talented individuals have built our Chapter into a dynamic community, equipped to achieve its goals and support the professional development of its members.
I am grateful to those who have encouraged my involvement at various levels, helping me grow through different achievements. Volunteering has been a deeply fulfilling experience for me.
I have embraced this challenge with humility and confidence with our fully dedicated Management Committee and Board of Directors. My goal is to continue enhancing the influence of our extraordinary profession, primarily here in Montreal, but also beyond. We remain committed to serving our members in alignment with our mission.
Let's talk about our future!
This certainly promises to be demanding, but still just as exciting. At the start of this decade, we faced a global pandemic with profound health and economic impacts. Now, we are witnessing the rise of uncertain social and geopolitical dynamics, potentially disruptive technological innovations, and climate change.
In an increasingly unpredictable world, the demands on our profession are intensifying and accelerating. However, one constant remains: our profession has made significant contributions during times of crisis and major change. For instance, regulatory requirements for public companies to implement and maintain rigorous internal control systems for financial reporting have highlighted the value of internal auditors. Our expertise has continually expanded to encompass other areas of value creation within organizations, such as governance, organizational culture practices, environmental protection, and technological innovations.
In 2025, we have the honor of celebrating the Montreal Chapter’s 80th anniversary. Many of us would no doubt like to feel the same energy as our Chapter when we reach this venerable age. We can all take immense pride in this achievement! I would also like to extend my thanks to all the volunteers whose dedication and involvement make our Chapter a hub of collaboration, learning, and promotion.
Inspired by The Institute of Internal Auditors’ Vision 2035, the Montreal Chapter looks to reinvent itself while staying true to its roots. This will involve developing and sharing a new strategic plan.
With enthusiasm and confidence, we embark on this exciting new chapter for our Chapter!
François Petillot, CPA, CRMA
President, IIA Montreal Chapter -
In regards to Founded in March 1945, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Montreal Section (IAI Montreal) is a non-profit organization incorporated under the Quebec Companies Act. It has more than 800 members and is governed by a board of directors supported by committees. IAI Montreal is affiliated with The IIA, a global network of over 200,000 members.
Our mission
Support and develop internal audit professionals throughout their careers, and promote the role and value of the profession.
Our Vision
Be recognized as a partner of choice by the business community, which ensures relevance and innovation within the profession.
Our value
The member at the heart of our mission!
Contact us:
Institute of Internal Auditors - Montreal Section
900 Cherrier Street
Montreal, H2L 1H7 -
For the first time, the Institute of Internal Auditors - Montreal Section received the Sapphire certificate for the year 2020-2021.
This highest honor is issued under the Chapter Achievement Program (CAP) of The IIA. The implementation of this recognition program is carried out through an elaborate scoring system aimed at encouraging the dynamism and quality of the management of the locals. In addition to the core activities that locals are required to maintain, points are accumulated based on activities orchestrated by the chapter in four service categories, aligned with the North American strategic plan: Programming, Certification, Promotion of profession and Membership.
Depending on the number of points accumulated, the section reaches the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Ruby or Sapphire level. The Ruby certificate is obtained after 20 consecutive years of a Gold certificate, and the Sapphire certificate after 25 years. The highest award is the Diamond certificate, with 35 years.
It is with pride that IAI Montreal welcomes this recognition, testifying to its involvement and performance. We would also like to thank our members for their participation in the activities. The advancement of our profession depends on the contribution of each individual.
New CIA and study materials in French: important information! To follow up on the announcement of the syllabus change for the CIA certification in the French language, reflected in the exams in French since June 1, 2019, we would like to add some information for the attention of candidates interested in taking the exam in French. Until now, The IIA was the only publisher that offered study materials in French with the CIA Learning System. Unfortunately, it is not planned that version 7 in the English language will be translated into French at this time.
CIA Exam Syllabi Changes FAQs | FrenchCIA Exam Syllabi Changes Handbook | French.pdf
Several certifications related to the internal audit profession allow you to distinguish yourself by highlighting your expertise and competence in certain areas.
Certified Internal Auditor®
This certification will allow you to distinguish yourself from your peers. You will be internationally recognized as a competent and credible internal auditor. An understanding of the IAI Standards will be deepened. The content of the syllabi provides for the study of fundamental concepts related to internal auditing.Learn MoreCertification in Risk Management Assurance®
Auditor certified in insurance on the control of risk management
This certification will allow you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to provide advice on risk management assurance to the audit and management committee. The skills and knowledge acquired will allow you to take on a consulting role with committees on concepts related to risk management.Useful links
- CIA Exam Syllabi Changes FAQs | French
- Certification Candidate Handbook 2020 | English
- CCMS Quick Start Manual
- CCMS access
For more information
You can contact Mr. Marc-Antoine Spack CIA, CRMA, CGAP, CCSA, M.Sc., M.Adm. at the following address: or with Ms. Maia Hossari, CIA at the following address: -
The Institute of Montreal Auditors joins forces with other organizations pursuing similar objectives, and aims through these partnerships to promote and develop the profession while offering its members a wide range of services, including training and networking. Several of our partners offer activities or training at preferential rates reserved for their members.
About ACFE
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the largest anti-fraud organization worldwide and the leading provider of anti-fraud training. ACFE members, who now number more than 75,000 professionals worldwide, strive to reduce the occurrence and impact of fraud and thus inspire public confidence in the integrity and objectivity of their profession.
About the Montreal Chapter
The Montreal Chapter of ACFE is a non-profit organization dedicated to training and knowledge exchange related to the prevention, detection, and response to cases of fraud. This exchange of knowledge takes place through conferences, seminars, workshops, and various networking opportunities presented to our members.
The Montreal chapter of the ACFE is one of the many chapters of the ACFE on the international scene; the association has more than 200 to date.
The Montreal Chapter is proud to be the leader in anti-fraud education and networking in Quebec.IFACI (French Institute for Internal Audit and Control)
As part of its exclusive agreement with IFACI (French Institute for Internal Audit and Control), IAI Montreal offers you an online library allowing you to download dematerialized documents from IFACI.
These documents are posted on the Member's Area of the website. To access it, you must log in with your username and password provided by The IIA by clicking HERE. Once identified, you arrive again on the home page of the site, but this time with a 'Member area' tab between the 'Career' and 'News' tabs. By clicking on the 'Member space' tab, you arrive in the Member section. You can then access the IFACI library.ISACA-Montréal
ISACA-Montréal, formerly the Association of Computer Auditors, has been active in the Montreal area since 1984. It is a non-profit organization that brings together people interested in issues of auditing, control, and security of information systems. of the Montreal region, or about 450 members.
More than 200,000 professionals in Quebec and around the world
Today's business world is constantly changing. Newspapers here and abroad are full of examples of major mergers, technological breakthroughs, identity theft, and fraud. The internal auditor, more than ever, plays a leading role in corporate governance, risk management, the effectiveness of internal control, and the efficiency of operations.
By giving you access to a wide range of privileges, the IAI Montreal offers you support to enable you to achieve your career goals and develop your full potential. A multitude of services is available to you locally. As a member of IAI Montreal, you have immediate access to exclusive resources regarding current issues, professional standards, certification, and continuing education. See below a brief overview of the main services offered.
Professional development
The internal auditor must be at the forefront of processes, and his knowledge of ever more complex risks is essential. His contribution to sound management and his ability to highlight the issues and opportunities facing his business contribute to the level of comfort of directors, management and shareholders. Due to the variety of areas to cover and assignments to carry out, internal audit must have an ever-wider range of skills. Training is an undeniable asset for ensuring this level of competence within internal audit teams. The IAI Montreal organizes training covering both the technical aspects of internal auditing and the development of personal skills required by the profession. As members, you benefit from reduced rates for section activities, but also for IAI international and national conferences. In addition, by participating in these activities, you accumulate continuing professional development (CPE) credits.
Networking activities
Every year, IAI Montréal offers a series of events (lunch conferences, cocktails, round tables, etc.) dealing with topics of interest to internal auditors. Our speakers stand out as much for their competence in the field of business and internal audit as for their dynamism. In addition to sharing information, these meetings are privileged moments to meet internal audit professionals and allow you to quickly create links to find new business opportunities.
The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®)
More than 115,000 professionals hold the CIA designation worldwide. The section of the Institute of Internal Auditors of Montreal has more than 175 CIA designation holders. The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) is the only internal audit certification with global reach. It has been issued by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) since 1973. The rigor of professional standards and the IIA's Code of Ethics gives CIA designation holders a highly respected and internationally recognized designation in internal auditing. The exams, overseen by The IIA World Headquarters, are offered in more than 500 locations and are available in most languages.Other certifications related to the profession allow internal auditors to distinguish themselves by highlighting their expertise and skills in certain areas.
Membership Services
These services are diversified and include among others, but are not limited to the organization of training, social activities and round tables, the maintenance of communication with members as well as the publication of job offers.
Professional Publications
As a member of the Montreal section, you have access to the journal and various publications of the French Institute for Internal Audit and Control (IFACI). In addition, your membership entitles you to a subscription to the award-winning bimonthly journal Ia (Internal Auditor) and access to The IIA Research Foundation bookstore, which is full of research reports produced with the collaboration of academia, consultants, and practitioners. Attractive discounts are offered to members on a wide selection of books, videos, software, research reports, and reference works.
Weekly press release
The best way to stay informed of our activities in real-time is to subscribe to our weekly newsletter. You will find relevant information for the profession, the calendar of upcoming events and training from the IAI Montreal and its partners, as well as new job offers.
Discussion forum
Come take part in the discussions of internal audit professionals by joining the “Institute of Internal Auditors – Montreal and Quebec” group on LinkedIn, and thus exchange on best practices, and why not find a solution to new challenges!
Indispensable, our website allows you to learn about the Institute, to consult, among other things, the latest news, events, and upcoming training, as well as the most recent job offers. The site also provides links to other related sites of interest.
Job bank
In order to optimize your recruitment process, the IAI Montreal offers you its job posting services. By entrusting us with your ad, you increase your chances of quickly finding the ideal candidate, thanks among other things to a massive distribution by email to our members. Indeed, our simple, fast, and efficient services allow you to join the large community of internal auditors (more than 950 members) in the Montreal region in less than 5 days, via our newsletter. It's the best way to quickly access an exclusive pool of internal audit experts! Job offers are updated on a continuous basis on our website.
The Institute of Montreal Auditors joins forces with other organizations pursuing similar objectives, and aims through these partnerships to promote and develop the profession, while offering its members a wide range of services, including training and networking activities. Do not hesitate to consult our website where several of our partners offer activities or training at the preferential rate reserved for their members.
Membership Fee
Membership in IAI Montreal can be done by individual membership or group membership.
Organizations are already in a mode of digital transformation and data management. Internal audit must be up to date at this level in order to understand the issues and this is why the Institute wishes to provide you with resources so that you can begin or continue this technological shift that will shake up our reality. We have therefore decided to create a specific section on this important subject on our website and will thus feed, in one form or another, your reflections.
First, we have listed a large number of references on the digital age in connection with internal audit. We will also shortly be issuing a “white paper” which will report on the issue for the internal audit departments.
Thereafter, our objective is to popularize the changes that will have to be made to our operation, our processes, and to the organizational environment in which we will have to work in the short and medium term.
As Chairman of the Executive Committee, I firmly believe that this transformation is vital in order to continue to play an important role in the governance of organizations. I, therefore, encourage you to educate yourself and share your thoughts with your peers so that, together, we can achieve this technological turning point.
I remind you that we will hold a symposium on digital transformation on May 7 and 8, as part of the month of the audit, and invite you in large numbers, places are limited.
I only have one thing to wish us: good transformation!
Pascal Théoret
President of the Executive Committee
Institute of Internal Auditors - Montreal SectionAI and audit articles
- Audit: should we fear artificial intelligence? Olivier Salustro, January 9, 2018
- Dossier – several articles on AI in Montreal: Capital of artificial intelligence (including AI element)
- Audit: should we be afraid of artificial intelligence? Pierre Luc Gervais, January 12, 2018
In any case, AI is not yet able to replace the human agent, because it does not have the critical spirit, the professional judgment, which will still remain the work of man.
On the other hand, it is still necessary to prepare for the changes that artificial intelligence may bring in the future, on the organization, and on the men responsible for leading them in the audit profession.
- AGEFI – Digital big bang (innovation in audit firms) Coralie Donas, November 30, 2017
- The rise of automation – IA December 2018 – Page 36-41
- 2017: EY – Audit Quality
- Malakoff médéric / BCG 2018 study
- GPI – Artificial intelligence Part 1,2,3
- Internal audit role in artificial intelligence, Caratas Maria alina, University of constanta – 2018
- KPMG – Looking Ahead, Technology continues to transform auditing
- PwC – state of the internal audit profession study
- Tone at the top – IIA n85 – December 2017.
- Protivitti – Artificial Intelligence: The effects of Machine learning (2017)
- MCKINSEY GLOBAL INSTITUTE (MGI) – Artificial Intelligence: the next digital frontier (June 2017)
- Deloitte – The new physics of financial services: How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial ecosystem? (2018)
- AI and AI Algorithms: 4: Internal Auditor and AI Algorithms – IFACI, JM Pluzanski
White Paper
To consult the available documents, please refer to the member area of the website.
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Apr 09, 2025
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Earning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
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The IIA’s 2023 International Conference.
The IIA’s International Conference is the premier training and networking event for internal audit professionals worldwide. The IIA is preparing a world-class program focused on delivering topical and forward-thinking presentations to our in-person and virtual audience.
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