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IIA Canada Advocacy: 2023 and Beyond

IIA Canada is pleased to provide an update on some of the accomplishments achieved in partnership with chapters throughout 2023. Here are some of the objectives we successfully attained as we work towards further advancements in our advocacy program in 2023 and beyond.

  • Canadian Advocacy Strategy: The Canadian Advocacy Strategy was developed and finalized with input from Canadian internal audit leaders and chapters. The strategy also included a formalized public comment process with key stakeholder input and a compliance strategy to adhere to federal and provincial government lobbyist registry requirements.
  • Canadian Advocacy Working Group: To engage our chapters and members proactively, we established the Canadian Advocacy Working Group (CAWG), which includes advocacy chairs and chapter representatives. The CAWG will offer expertise in public policy areas or connect IIA Canada with experts in their chapter, support the Canadian Key Person Program, and identify or support public comment opportunities within their province.
  • Public Comment Letters: In March 2023, IIA Canada responded to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario’s (FSRA) proposed Information Technology Risk Management Guidance. In May 2023, IIA Canada responded to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions’ (OSFI) request for public comment on its Culture and Behaviour Risk Guideline.
  • Corporate Governance Conferences: Jillian Fernandez, Director of Advocacy in Canada, and Harold Silverman, Senior Director of CAE and Corporate Governance at IIA Global, attended corporate governance engagement-related conferences to advance the profile of the profession, including the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), and Governance Professionals of Canada (GPC). While the 2023 objective focused on establishing a presence, we will advance participation to include booths, sponsorships, and speaking engagements in the future.
  • Global Public Policy Paper: Held stakeholder discussions on The IIA’s draft Global Public Policy Position Paper with the following groups: the Global Board of Directors, the Canadian Advisory Committee, the Global Advocacy Advisory Council, and the North American Advocacy Advisory Council. The next steps will include reviewing the feedback received and communicating on developing the final draft.

With IIA Canada’s commitment and collaboration with Canadian chapters, we look forward to building and expanding our advocacy efforts. Together, we will continue to advocate for members by driving change and positive outcomes for the profession.