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IIA Malawi Initiatives

Initiatives Undertaken by IIA Malawi

The Institute is committed to the development of the profession. As such, it has initiated the following activities:

Introduction of Bachelor of Commence in Internal Auditing (BCOMIA) Degree

The Institute worked hand in hand with the University of Malawi to introduce an internal auditing degree programme. The first intake wan enrolled during the 2013 academic year. Secondary school students are encouraged to apply for this programme which will equip them with internal auditing knowledge and skills.

CIA Exams Test Centre in Malawi

A CIA Exams Testing Centre was opened at Techno Brain in Lilongwe early 2013. This was in response to requests from members that after the Corporate Governance testing Centre was closed, there was no local CIA Exams Testing Centre in the country. Members were spending a lot of resources traveling to neighbouring countries to sit for CIA exam. It is therefore expected that this will propel a lot of members to acquire the CIA qualification which will enhance their proficiency in internal auditing.

Increase in CPE Training

IIA Malawi recognizes the importance of Continuing Professional Education (CPE). In this regard, there will always be an increase in the number of structured CPE training. Considering the importance that the institute attaches to its members, the members are allowed to pay a reduced fee for such trainings. In addition, the institute ensures that qualified and experienced facilitators are engaged. Organizations that would like to have tailor-made internal auditing training for its members of staff are encouraged to contact the Secretariat so that  arrangements  for such training can be made.

Annual Conferences

 Conferences are held every year at magnificent holiday resorts in the country and these are normally held in the last week of the month of August. High caliber seasoned presenters are always selected to speak on various contemporary topics of interest to internal auditors, business captains, and other professionals.

International Internal Audit Awareness Month Commemoration in May

Every year, advocacy activities are organized by all institutes in the world to commemorate existence of the internal auditing profession. IIA Malawi has usually included a social responsibility activity among the activities.

Encouraging the Sharing of Information

In line with the global motto "Progress Through Sharing," the Institute believes in progress through sharing of information, as such members are encouraged to make use of social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and through other credible networks to discuss issues that will help in advancing the profession. In this regard the IIA Malawi is also on Facebook.