Internal Audit Awareness Program
Reaching the next generation of internal auditors
Internal Audit Awareness Program
The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA) commends Institutions of higher learning (universities) that promote internal audit awareness and education through their curricula. The IIA understands that it requires dedication and university resources to support internal audit education. The IIA also understands that not all universities are able to devote the same commitment to teaching internal auditing. However, any commitment to building awareness of internal auditing, regardless of magnitude, can make a huge difference to a student searching for a career.
The IIA, the internationally recognized global voice for the profession and principal educator has stepped forward to assist universities in this effort by providing a program to recognize the various degrees of commitment and effort universities are making to provide students with the information and skill sets necessary to be able to choose from a variety of career paths.
The IIA Internal Audit Awareness Program acknowledges universities teaching Internal Auditing as a standalone Internal Audit course or Operational Auditing. This course provides students with an introduction to the profession and key activities of an entry-level internal auditor.
If you believe that your school qualifies for the Internal Audit Awareness Program, please complete the Request for Recognition form:
Awareness Program Schools
- Asia Pacific University
- Assumption University of Thailand
- Athens University of Economics & Business
- Baruch College
- Belmont Abbey College
- BINUS University
- Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- California State Polytechnic University Pomona
- California State University Sacramento
- Camosun College
- Central Connecticut State University
- Central Mindanao University
- Central University of Technology, Free State
- College of the North Atlantic
- East Carolina University
- Far Eastern University
- Florida Institute of Technology
- The Haque University of Applied Sciences
- Higher Colleges of Technology
- Jacksonville State University
- Jose Rizal Memorial State University
- Kent State University
- Lehigh University
- Montclair State University
- Narxoz University
- North Carolina State University
- Northeastern University
- Pace University
- Petra Christian University
- Philadelphia University
- Qatar University
- Saint Martin's University
- Seton Hall University
- SIMAD University
- Singapore Management University
- Slippery Rock University
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
- Stephen F. Austin State University
- Texas A&M International University
- Texas Woman's University
- Universidad Americana
- Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
- Universidad Central De Nicaragua
- Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas
- Universidad de El Salvador
- Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE
- Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
- Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
- Universidad UTE
- Hasanuddin University
- Universitas Pelita Harapan
- University of Aegean
- University of California, Riverside
- University of California San Diego
- University of California, Los Angeles Extension (UCLA Extension)
- University of Finance and Economics
- University of Geneva – HEC
- Universitas Indonesia
- University of Jember
- University of Katowice
- University of Kentucky
- University of Texas at San Antonio
- The University of Alabama at Birmingham
- The University of Macedonia
- The University of Texas at San Antonio
- University of Lahore
- University of Miami
- University of Mississippi
- University of Nebraska – Lincoln
- University of Nebraska – Omaha
- University of New Mexico
- University of Nevada, Reno
- University of Padjadjaran
- University of Piraeus
- University of Sharjah
- University of South Florida
- University of Southern Indiana
- University of St.Gallen
- University of Surabaya
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Union University
- University of the Commonweath Caribbean
- University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
- University of Washington Tacoma
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Universiti Teknologi MARA
- Uppsala University
- Western Switzerland – HEG
- Willamette University
- Winthrop University
- York University
Benefits of Participating in The IIA’s Internal Audit Awareness Program
- Universities participating in The IIA Internal Audit Awareness Program have access to various materials and resources, including the opportunity to apply for funding via the Internal Audit Foundation IAEP Grant Program.
- Enhanced opportunities to network with other educators teaching internal auditing to share ideas and materials.
- Employers consult The IIA’s list of universities teaching internal auditing as they consider the degree of internal audit education they seek for their “new hires”.
- Guest speakers may be provided upon request.
The Process for Recognition in The IIA’s Internal Audit Awareness Program
- External academic accreditation is required to participate in The IIA Internal Audit Awareness Program. In the USA, that accreditation is The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB). Outside the US, the AACSB accreditation is preferred but other equivalent accreditations will be considered.
- Match your existing syllabi with that suggested in The IIA Global Model Internal Auditing Curriculum.
- Contact your local IIA Chapter or Affiliate. The local IIA can be a good resource and will be able to assist you with the Recognition Form. If there is no local IIA in your area, contact The IIA’s Academic Relations team directly at for steps 4 & 5.
- Complete The IIA Request for Recognition Form which can be requested via e-mail at and submit it to IIA Academic Relations at Acceptance to the Program will be communicated to the university and local IIA within 60 days of receipt of the request.
- The university is required to annually validate the information provided in its application to verify that the program is still in compliance with the Awareness criteria. Awareness universities will be required to complete an annual report provided by The IIA Academic Relations team.
* Support of The IIA’s Internal Audit Awareness efforts is made possible through the Academic Fund.