Feb 28, 2025
Middle Georgia State University
The Middle Georgia Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) serves the entire Middle Georgia region. The Chapter has over 35 current members.
The IIA Middle Georgia Chapter was officially formed in December 2011 with the approval from The IIA North American Board and 22 dedicated internal audit professionals locally leading the formation. Each member started the chapter with a commitment for the advocacy of internal auditing and bringing educational trainings to the middle Georgia area.
The chapter formation team learned quickly that The IIA and its chapters in North America can help you excel in your professional career. Our goal is to offer excellent training for auditors, controllers, accountants, and other business professionals. The IIA provides internal audit professionals with the information and skills they need to stay on the leading edge through conferences, seminars, in-house training programs, and chapter educational presentations. These programs are offered at reduced costs to IIA members.
Internal auditors are an advocate for sound governance and effective controls. The best way to stay abreast of the latest developments and meet the demands of an ever-changing profession is to turn to the acknowledged leader, recognized authority, and primary educator - The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
The IIA also provides its members with professional standards, certification, and a Code of Ethics – important elements to underline your professionalism and commitment to quality. The IIA’s journal Internal Auditor delivers to its member’s valuable in-depth articles on today’s issues and trends.
With so many resources available by The Institute of Internal Auditors, I encourage you to attend our local chapter meetings and visit The IIA website at www.na.theiia.org.
We are pleased to be a 2023 Building Awareness Champion!
During Internal Audit Awareness Month in May, we shared our passion for internal auditing, promoting the profession through a variety of events and campaigns designed to inform and engage, raise awareness, and help stakeholders understand the value of internal audit in their organizations.
Our Middle Georgia chapter has continued to grow in membership during the 2024-2025 chapter year and we currently have 40 members. We’re thankful to our members who participate and appreciate our officer’s continued leadership and support.
IIA headquarters has continued to support us in numerous ways, and our District Representative and District Advisor have continued to advise and support us as well. We appreciate their expertise and commitment to our success.
As we look to the future, we plan to hold events for students at local Universities as we explore ways to increase our student membership and participation. We hope to be a resource for students considering a career in Internal Audit. We will also continue to offer relevant training events, both in person and virtual, along with social events for our members.
If you’re looking for opportunities to become more involved in the Chapter, we have a place for you! If you’re looking to build your professional network, we’ll help you do that as well. If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to volunteer with our Chapter, please reach out to me directly at griggers_cr@mercer.edu.
Thanks for being a part of the Middle Georgia chapter!
Connie Griggers
Chapter President
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
Become a MemberEarning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
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