Welcome to the IIA Central Virginia Chapter!
The Central Virginia Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) membership area includes the City of Richmond, Charlottesville and surrounding areas.
Chapter Officers
Shaquey Wragg
Chapter President
Eris Jones (CIA, CGAP)
Chapter President Elect
Mr. Elvis Garcia
Chapter Secretary
Kayla Mitchell
Chapter Membership Chair
Krystle Davis (CIA)
Chapter Certification Chair
Leah Hall
Chapter Program Chair
Mychal Squire
Chapter Academic Relations Chair
Mrs. Jennifer Harvell
Chapter Advocacy Chair
Chapter News and Events
We are thrilled to keep celebrating our 75th Chapter Anniversary! Our annual Virginia Training Academy returns to the Richmond area on October 21-22. Read the details!
Let's make year 75 truly special by volunteering with our chapter! Your help can make a significant impact, whether it's by assisting at events, preparing the newsletter, speaking at functions, or joining a committee. Together, we can achieve great things. Please let us know of your interest or send an email to Chapter37@iiachaptercommunications.org. Thank you for your willingness to make a difference!
Stay informed of upcoming events! Subscribe to our chapter emails and connect with us on LinkedIn!
Welcome to the IIA Central Virginia Chapter
Our Chapter was established in 1949 and presently has more than 500 members. We are located in the Richmond area and cater to all cities and counties in the 804-area code as well as the Charlottesville area.
Our goal is to promote and cultivate the internal audit profession in the Central Virginia business community by providing exemplary services to our members and the profession, as well as efficiently managing the Chapter's duties and responsibilities.
Every year, we organize more than 40 hours of Continuing Professional Education through local events and the annual Virginia Training Academy, which is held in collaboration with the Tidewater Chapter and the Southwest Virginia Chapter. We also partner with the ISACA Virginia Chapter to host an annual golf tournament and organize social events for our members throughout the year.
The Chapter achieved bronze status for 2022-2023.
In 2023 we proudly launched the IIA Central VA Chapter Scholarship program to encourage and advance the Internal Audit profession among undergraduate students pursuing a business degree at local schools. The program offers scholarships towards tuition and books to students who submit the best essays. During the program’s first year, business students from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Virginia State University (VSU) were eligible to participate. The theme of the essay was centered around the "Impact of Emerging Technology on the Audit Profession." Our first scholarship recipient is Ms. Indacia Turner of Virginia State University!
Eligibility and rules for the 2024 scholarship program will be announced soon.
It is with great gratitude that I address you as the 2024-2025 President of the Central Virginia IIA Chapter. This chapter year commemorates a significant milestone in this chapter’s history – Our 75th Anniversary. The appreciation for all who have contributed to the chapter’s legacy runs deep. Honoring our past reminds us of how far we have come and helps us push towards the future.
As we embark on this new chapter year, the Executive Team is committed to:
- Offering opportunities for the members to connect and network with each other through quality programming
- Increasing and growing our membership and membership certification numbers
- Maintaining the Chapter Achievement Status of Gold for the current chapter year
We say thank you to all outgoing Officers and Board of Governor members. We look forward to continuing the phenomenal work completed within the chapter year. Here’s to celebrating 75 years of excellence, and to many more years of achievements and impact. Thank you to our members, partners, and leadership team for being a part of the journey and I look forward to a great chapter year serving the members alongside our team of Officers and Board of Governors.
Warm Regards,
Shaquey Wragg, CIGA
IIA Central Virginia
Chapter President 2024-2025
Interested in becoming a member?
Membership means access to our standards, guidance, networking, opportunities, and savings on world-class training.
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Earning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.
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