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Welcome to the IIA Central Virginia Chapter!

The Central Virginia Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) membership area includes the City of Richmond, Charlottesville and surrounding areas.

Chapter Officers

Shaquey Wragg

Chapter President

Eris Jones (CIA, CGAP)

Chapter President Elect

Mr. Elvis Garcia

Chapter Secretary

Kayla Mitchell

Chapter Membership Chair

Krystle Davis (CIA)

Chapter Certification Chair

Leah Hall

Chapter Program Chair

Mychal Squire

Chapter Academic Relations Chair

Mrs. Jennifer Harvell

Chapter Advocacy Chair

Chapter News and Events

We are thrilled to keep celebrating our 75th Chapter Anniversary! Our annual Virginia Training Academy returns to the Richmond area on October 21-22. Read the details!

Let's make year 75 truly special by volunteering with our chapter! Your help can make a significant impact, whether it's by assisting at events, preparing the newsletter, speaking at functions, or joining a committee. Together, we can achieve great things. Please let us know of your interest or send an email to Thank you for your willingness to make a difference!

Stay informed of upcoming events! Subscribe to our chapter emails and connect with us on LinkedIn!

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Interested in becoming certified?

Earning a professional credential is essential to strengthening your knowledge base and be distinguished from your peers.

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