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CAE Bulletin Issue: October 9, 2023

CAE Bulletin The IIA oct. 09, 2023

Articles in this issue: Internal Audit Foundation Releases First Series of Global ‘Risk in Focus’ Reports; PCAOB Adopts New Audit Confirmation Standard After Incorporating Input; To Punish Negligence, PCAOB Proposes Tougher Rule on Auditor Responsibility; Audit Committee Chairs Share Thoughts with the PCAOB in Annual Staff Report; Proposed Federal Legislation Would Qualify Accounting as a STEM Profession; Internal Audit Needs a Seat at the Table for Digital Innovation and Transformation; Performative Testing Is a Better Way to Fight Cybercrime, Forbes Article Says; Contemporary Leadership Calls for Thinking Like a ‘Geek’ for Extraordinary Results.


The Institute of Internal Auditors