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CAE Bulletin Issue: May 28, 2024

CAE Bulletin The IIA mai 28, 2024

In This Issue

PCAOB Announces Standards on Audit Responsibilities and Quality Control
Workiva Survey Shows Conflicting Views Around EU CSRD Compliance Regulations
SEC Leader: Tone at the Top of Accounting and Auditing Firms Fosters Poor Practice
EY Survey: Sustainability Has Climbed in Priority During the Past 12 Months
S&P Global Study: US Companies Still Not Fully Committed to Net-Zero Emissions
Panelists Weigh in on How Organizations Should Be Dealing With Climate Rules
Verizon’s 17th Annual Data Breach Study Sheds Light on Today’s Cyber Attacks
Incorporating Rituals of Relief Will Help Your Group’s Collective Mental Health


The Institute of Internal Auditors