Investing in the Next Generation
Investing in the next generation is an investment in the future of the profession.
Academic Programs
The Foundation strengthens the internal audit profession through education and university partnerships. As the profession continues to evolve, so does the need for “internal audit-ready” graduates to enter the workforce. Through the Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) and the Internal Audit Awareness Program (IAAP), the Foundation supports these colleges and universities with the resources, curriculum, and funding opportunities to support their efforts. These academic programs excel in preparing students with the skills and knowledge they need to enter the workforce.
The Academic Fund
The mission of the Academic Fund, one of three Foundation funds, is to support the awareness and teaching of internal audit in higher education institutions worldwide along with funding student grants and scholarships to help advance their academic endeavors. Several key programs are supported by contributions to the fund:
- IAEP Grant Program
- Michael J. Barrett Doctoral Dissertation Grant
- Larry B. Sawyer Student Scholarship
An investment in the Academic Fund is an investment in the future of the profession of internal auditing.
Contributions* to the Academic Fund are accepted from individuals, IIA chapters/Institutes, organizations, and foundations. Your donation is gratefully accepted. To make a pledge, please email the Internal Audit Foundation at or call (407) 937-1218. Contributions and gifts to the Academic Fund may be designated as unrestricted or restricted.
Unrestricted contributions will be used by the Academic Fund Board to promote and enhance The IIA’s Academic Relations efforts. These funds may be used to finance grant applications submitted by IAEP schools or to support the Internal Audit Student Exchange, among other opportunities. The Academic Fund Subcommittee will determine the best use of unrestricted funds as part of its fiduciary responsibilities. Restricted contributions can be made to Internal Auditing Education Partnership (IAEP) schools or to support the Internal Audit Student Exchage.
*In the United States, contributions to the Academic Fund are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For more information about the Academic Fund, please contact